Sabtu, 10 Maret 2018

Luxcess - Future Investment Facility.

Image result for bounty luxcess
The first investment is found with zero commissions and life time reawards
for contributors!

This Investment company formed the Royal platform, which is based on Blockchain Technology.

About Luxcess group Investment.

The Luxcess Group was established in 2016.
The Luxcess Group is a young team of 25 external traders, experts, analysts and collaborators who have a wealth of experience in working :
  • Forex Market.
  • Crypto Trade.
  • Initial investment.
  • Trading of Precious Metals, such as Gold, Silver, and others.
The Luxcess name consists of two words :
1. Luxury.
2. Success.

Luxury word means abundance of luxury, or luxury, while the word success we already know together to define success.
If the two words are combined then it will be a very powerful combination for us and all believe, the power of this Luxcess team will handle the Economy and Investment in this world.
Currently we have also collaborated with Blockchain Technology, as we have found the idea of ​​crypto technology, and will make our combination of systems stronger in the marketplace, that with us with Blockchain Technology together it will create a luxurious and successful future. all the people of this world.
The team that established the Luxcess Group has been unified by its passion for commerce, investment and the achievement of good business results.
To this day, the Luxcess team has provided, and cared for its own means
from some of our private clients, who have achieved enviable results.
The results have been achieved using a system that combines a diversified investment portfolio, fast and responsive to innovation changes, experienced traders, external advisors and excellent team work, and solid.
We have decided to be the first investment trust that allows not only simplicity, and a sense of security for you to invest, but also gives you the opportunity to be a part of this excellent thing.

Vision and Mission.

Vision and Mission of Luxcess Investment Group is to help all the people in the world become part of our large family of investments, on the other hand we also have a goal to enable transparent management, and capital escalation to follow our investment.
We always believe that, because it's teamwork, up-to-date information and discipline is crucial to Luxcess's success.
We not only join investments, such as crypto trading, crypto forex, trading forex, silver, gold, start the project, and others, but will also provide the integration of the general public into a big family, which will increase profits, and the resulting offerings.
To bring Luxcess closer to the world community, we will open many new offices / branches in 2018, 2019 and 2020.
So that everyone can have a chance to find out more about this Luxcess Group.
Where our coworkers will always be ready to answer all your questions.
In each of our offices and branches will also allow you to buy, sell, or replace this LXC Coin.


There are 4 Pillar positions in this new project from Luxcess group, which we must know and understand this new Pillar project, which is as follows :

1. System.
Starting in 2013, before the Luxcess group was established in 2016, we already have a system, Vision and Mission, which we maintain today.
It combines diversified investment, experience, and cooperation portfolios.
Portfolio investments combine ancient and modern investments, which work together beautifully and provide a safe, long-term income.
Every income strategy has fluctuations.
Thus, our group will continue to develop systems incorporating more strategies, techniques and investment branches, as a whole in order to maintain revenue, and continuous satisfaction, or remain unchanged.

2. Group Work.
As already emphasized, and discussed earlier, our most important pillar is the Vision and Mission of cooperation in the group.
Our group is bound by shared goals of project realization, different opinions, and different perspectives, we will discuss together, and then coordinated and combined to get the best solution solution, which will yield the best results for all the projects we will all work on and develop .
For this reason, group work is indispensable to us.

3. Transparency.
The Luxcess Group ensures clarity, and will the overall understanding of the story, as we believe that this is the only way to success.
Our platform, Royal, will allow a control that remains unchanged over all capital investors.
The most important thing to remember is that the principle in our group is to operate at low risk, which means we make smaller, but keep going, and unchanged, as well as a reliable advantage, because we believe that this is the only long-term, and the way forward in the investment world.

4. Trand.
Currently the age of the Luxcess group is still relatively young, a very innovative group, and who always follow the present trend.
We are convinced that it is very important to keep abreast of the times and get everything from new, trends that will help clients to gain satisfaction and success together.
We believe that we must learn from all innovations, which is why we started to train new personnel on Blockchain Technology road.
This will allow for even greater success, satisfaction and profit in the future.

Investment on Royal Platform.

The Luxcess Group has created the Royal platform, where you invest your coins once you buy.
At that time, you will decide on your own, whether you invest the coins in the Hold or LXC index.
The Royal Luxcess Hold is a very safe choice, where you will keep your coins safely.
You can transfer your money to Royal Luxcess Trading, or withdraw them whenever you want, because our program will continue to work non-stop, and put directly into your wallet.
Investing coins in Royal Luxcess Trading gives you additional assets or capital to make a profit, which is sure to be your own blind saving tool of your own, or any family you love.
All the LXC coins you invest in trading will be created in the full Luxcess Group portfolio.

If you invest your coins at a 1.00 index value, and increase to 2.00, you will generate a 100% yield.
In case of withdrawal, the platform will automatically deduct the SHARE PROFIT, (30% of the proceeds), while the rest is transferred to Royal Luxcess Hold.
And after that, you can put your income coin in your wallet.

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Profits for FIAT Investors.

By joining this project you will have a wonderful opportunity to be part of Crypto World, and you will also benefit from the investment that the Luxcess group has programmed for your future to get better, and to follow everyday trends changed.
The Benefits of Blockchain Technology is the speed, transparency, and durability of commissions, accuracy, reliability, security and decentralization that will make you join the feel of all the security, peace and soul that you have never felt elsewhere.

LXC Coin.

LXC coins are defined as a very cold ice sheet on a magnificent tart cake at Luxcess Group.
You who believe in our team and all projects and programs from Luxcess will surely earn more extra money with the coins, this is certainly in addition to the economy in your life later.
The Luxcess Group has developed a system that will always ensure benefits for you all of its users over a long period of time.
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Symbol : LXC.
Public offering : 75,000,000.
Platform : Ethereal (ETH).
The Luxcess group chose the Ethereum platform, mainly because of security, and
stability, and superior platform integration.


With you participating in the ICO project, you will earn LXC coins.
Crypto to be received is Ethereal (ETH).
The starting price of 1 LXC coin will be 0.15 USD, during the ICO project.
The number of coins you will receive
depending on when you invest in an ICO project.
Those who invest in previous projects will be provided with more coins.
This means that the investment brought in more coins.

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Development is very important for every company.
Even successful companies can slow down if they are not always open to new things.
In the Luxcess Group, we employ a group of people who specifically provide development for, novelties, changes, and create development strategies that collaborate with external advisors.

40% of the investment will be incorporated into our portfolio.
This is how we provide it with greater results and, its function for the growth of coin prices in the stock market.

3. MARKETING : 20%.
Marketing is the second most important branch after development and provides for the growth of the company.
The Luxcess Group will collaborate with advertisers and external agencies,
which will ensure that the name Luxcess Group will continue to increase, and is known in the world.
We'll combine our old, and new, advertising strategies to ensure relevance.

This section is required for daily expenses and helps the company to work without interruption.
The expenses are as follows :
  • rent.
  • furniture and software acquisition.
  • salary.
  • the cost of the event.
  • operating costs.
  • travel, and others.

Since the Luxcess Group will be globally active, we plan to work
compliance with all laws in each country.
This means we intend to provide the necessary documentation, to ensure and encourage public confidence in our company, the Luxcess Group.
Image result for bounty Luxcess roadmap
Lexcess Success Group.
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Image result for bounty Luxcess group
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Image result for bounty Luxcess
Luxcess Group is the first Initial Coin Offer project, and will reward its first supporters with lifelong prizes.
Luxcess Group will always look to increase LXC coin prices by simply investing in our LXC coin project.
Luxcess is the answer for all of us, where we will invest as a convenient means of savings, and also safe for the future of us all.
Join us, and together we will create a better tomorrow.

If you are interested, or feel something is not clear, you can directly see the website below,

Author by  9emb3lelit3

Link Profile Bitcointalk.

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