Kamis, 12 April 2018

INVOX Finance - Peer-to-Peer Distributed Loan Invoicing Platform.

Hello my best friend, best regards me, 9emb3lelit3
In our current meeting, I will introduce a project called INVOX Finance that works as a future invoice loan platform, be it for more details about all systems and programs of this project, let's follow my notes below,

Issues with Current Invoice Financing

Currently the main problem with traditional financing invoices is that the buyer buys invoices from the seller, and advances funds against them, and has no direct relationship with the buyer, which the investor simply trusts the information provided by the seller. The relationship between the seller and the buyer is not entirely transparent to the investor and therefore exposes the financier to a considerable risk of an unpaid invoice, or is being debated.

Traditional invoice funding is based on a trust relationship between the seller and the buyer. When the seller sends goods or services to the buyer without cash payment, the seller must believe that the buyer will pay him the goods or services agreed between them. Fraudulent behavior on behalf of the seller is also a problem. Sellers can easily fabricate fake invoices and sell them to funders. The seller can also try to sell the same invoice to a number of investors, to fraudulently obtain more funds for the same invoice. In addition, there are issues of information sharing and the lack of transparency between the parties. In their risk assessment, financiers want as much visibility for sellers and buyers as possible.

The birth of INVOX Finance.

Given some of the problems we've seen above, we've created a new platform that will solve all these problems for the better, Yes, to control all of that was born INVOX Finance.
Invox Finance Pty Ltd was established by a member of ABR Finance Team Pty Ltd, a successful invoice financing company based in Australia, and currently our team is running an Expansionary Phase.

The Invox Finance platform is a peer-to-peer distributed invoicing platform that will allow sellers, buyers, investors and other service providers to connect, interact, share, and distribute information. This platform will facilitate an environmental system where trust between the parties will be developed through a built-in reward system.

The implementation of transactions and the flow of information does not depend on a single centralized service provider, but is governed by a set of transparent rules executed on a fully distributed ledger, which of course this will further enhance the confidence of all parties to each other, which will also continue the completion of each invoice loan transaction.

See also Video below,

Market now.

Global market invoice financing is valued at about $ 2.85 trillion USD.
The latest figures show continued growth in global finance industry invoices, with only a handful of contractioning markets, such as China, Taiwan, Turkey and Japan.

  1. Europe is the largest player with two-thirds of the global market share of $ 1.9T.
  2. The Americas, (including the United States) retains 8% of the global market share of $ 1.9T.
  3. Asia is the second largest with nearly a quarter of global stocks at $ 228B.
Invox Finance Platform.

Furthermore, the Invox Finance Platform will provide sellers, (who want to borrow funds against their invoices) direct access to individual investors, with a peer-to-peer system in a loan environment that will benefit both parties, between sellers and investors.
Sellers will be able to obtain financing at low interest rates from those received from investors, whereas Investors will be given access to most-intended investment products currently only available to banks and finance companies.

The Invox Finance platform will consist of the following :

1. Blockchain or Distributed Ledgers, (Ethereum Networks).
2. Dynamic Smart Invoice Contract.
3. Smart Loan Contract.
4. Access Users and Process Hubs.

Smart Contracts will be implemented to provide the following functions :


Manage access and use of the Invox Finance Platform.
That is, regulating the terms and conditions of system use by each user, (ie seller, investor, buyer, and what third-party service provider).


Regulates general legal terms and conditions of relationships, financial terms and conditions and the flow of funds between the seller, the investor, and the buyer, and the settlement of the invoice.


Set up interactions between different parts of Invox Finance Peron. That is, the interaction between Dynamic Invoice Smart Contracts, Smart Contract Loans and User Access and Hub Processing.


Tokens printed by smart contracts are easy to audit and are transferable. The smart contract allows for the Invox Token to be used seamlessly within the platform with sufficient liquidity.

Smart Loan Contracts will facilitate the flow of funds between all parties.

To participate in invoice financing on the Invox Finance Platform, the investor will deposit fiat funds into the interest rate of the trust account owned by an independent financial institution, ("trust account").
Investors will then be able to allocate a certain amount of funds to various risk ratings of the loan facility, (suggested by Invox Financial Platform). For example, an investor will be able to deposit $ 1,000,000 USD into trusting an account with the Bank. Investors will then be able to allocate $ 500,000 USD to a higher profile risk invoicing loan facility, and $ 500,000 USD into a lower risk loan facility profile.

Each invoice loan facility will consist of a number of individual invoice loan fragments, which means that each loan invoice will be divided into several small increases that allow a single investor to purchase a number of fragments from a large number of different loans increased their portfolio diversification and, reducing their overall risk profile, then the system that will debit the seller's internal account and the seller's credit of an operational bank account that is equal to the fiat currency amount of the trust account.

Smart Loan Contract : Benefits.

Safe Recording.

The Smart Contract will provide a permanent record of all loans and funds in the Invox Finance Platform that can not be manipulated or altered by any party. Ledgers and trust accounts will also be audited by a major independent accounting firm to enable all parties to believe that their funds are used as intended in a safe and precise manner. As with Dynamic Invoice Smart Contracts, the need for paper-based recording will eventually be eliminated.

Invoice fragmentation.

The fragmentation of any invoice loan facility will allow any investor to purchase a collection of fragments of a large number of loans, reduce their risk profile and diversify their investment portfolios further.

A Balanced Fund Stream Between Parties.

As soon as an invoice loan facility is established between the seller and the investor, and the terms of the relevant intelligent contract are met, the funds will be automatically transferred by the system from the investor to the seller, and each party will be notified that this is the case. The use of distributed ledgers will ensure that internal transfers between parties are seamless, fast, reliable, auditable and transparent.

Integrate with Accounting Software.

This platform will provide a RESTful API interface to accounting and payment systems to interact with our contract. It will also allow seamless integration with major accounting software platforms and reduce paper-based document requirements.

Main Advantages of More Hubs from the Centralized Peer-to-Peer Platform.

User Integration and Hub Process will provide unlimited access to the Invox Finance Platform for all users. It will also simplify and improve efficiency to all processes.

Loan Fragmentation.

Each invoice financing loan will be fragmented into a smaller number of segments that allow a number of investors to participate in a single loan. This provides benefits to investors and sellers, and is a key point of difference in the Invox Finance Platform as compared to previous traditional invoice financial lenders.
Fragmentation will allow investors to pool their shared resources to fund more significant loans and ensure that larger facilities can still obtain these funds at affordable prices.
It will also provide a single investor with the ability to fund a number of segments from a large number of different loans increased their portfolio diversification and, most importantly, subtract their overall risk profile.
 INVOX Token Utility.

Invox Tokens will be generated on public ledger using standard ERC-20 and will have the following utilities :

- Will grant access to Invox Finance Platform for sellers.
  • That is, each Seller will be required to pay a certain amount of Invox Tokens each year to gain access to the platform.
- Job rewards done for the platform.
  • This means the system will reward buyers and sellers with Invox Tokens for verification and invoice payments. The final amount of Invox Token printed will be released on our website www. invoxfinance.io. In addition to tokens sold during ICO, 20% tokens will be set aside for founders and advisors, 20% of tokens set aside for operational funds and 5% set aside for gifts and airdrops. No more Invox Tokens will be created once ICO is done.
Integrated Invox Token with our Trusted Members Program, buyers and investors will not be required to hold any Invox Token. For sellers will gain access to the Invox Finance Platform, which the seller must purchase an Invox Token during ICO at a discount or after the ICO of the Invox Finance platform. The seller's financing limit will double from the 200 number of Invox tokens they hold. For example, if Seller has $ 500 AUD worth of Invox Token financing the limit seller is $ 100,000 AUD.

Token Invox.

Your key to the Token platform with real-world usage cases made on the Ethereum network.
  • Use Case.
  1. Access: Join the platform as a seller by holding the Invox Token.
  2. Rewards: Get a gift in Invox Token every time you verify or pay for an invoice.
  3. Cost: Invox tokens are used by sellers and investors to pay their respective fees for access.
Token Type: Token utility.
Token Ticker: INVOX.
Emission Rate: No new coins will be made after ICO.
Network Token: Ethereum (ERC20).
Distribution: Token will be distributed 14 days after the token sale expires.
Token Value: 1 ETH = 10,000 INVOX + any bonus.

Invox Token Distribution.

Image result for bounty invox token

Initial Coin Offering (ICO)

Invox Token will grant the right of its holder to access the Invox Finance Platform through the Trusted Members Program. By participating in two stages of ICO Invox Finance, you will be given an opportunity to obtain Invox Tokens at a discount.

Pre-sale Max Cap: 2,941 ETH.
Minimum Pre-Sales Purchase: ETH 1.0
Max Cap: 20,000 ETH.
Minimum Purchase Minimum Sales: ETH 0.1

ICO is run in two parts with a bonus system that rewards participants in pre-ICO as well as during ICO itself. For more information, visit www.invoxfinance.io.

Roadmap INVOX Finance.

Q3, 2017 - Ideas formulated.

Q4, 2017 - Entered as Invox Finance Pty Ltd.

Q1, 2018 : 
  • Proof of concept code and testing.
  • Wireframe
  • V1 of the whitepaper.
  • V1 of the the website.
  • Presale ICO began.
  • Presale ICO sold out.
Q2, 2018 :
  • V2 of the whitepaper.
  • V2 of the website.
  • Complete ICO and.
  • Distributing Invox Tokens.
  • Mockup complete for buyer, seller and investors journeys.
Q3, 2018 - First invoice issued on alpha platform.

Q4, 2018 - Initial user testing on alpha platform.

Q1, 2019 - Invox Finance debit card available.

Q2, 2019 :
  • Mobile app testing.
  • Integration with Celsius.
  • Launch into second region.
Q3, 2019 - Mobile Application Release.

Q4, 2019 - Launch into third region.

INVOX Financial Partners.

Success Team INVOX Finance.

In the future, individual investment contracts will be tradable commodities of their own right, and Invox Finance aims to facilitate the trading of these contracts.
If you are interested in joining and would like to know more about all the latest developments information from INVOX Finance project, you can directly see the Link below,

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