Some sex workers are paid to engage in sex acts or explicit sexual behavior involving various levels of physical contact with a prostitute client and some but not all models of professional dominance and pornographers engage in explicit sexual behavior that is filmed or photographed.
Phone sex operators have sexually oriented conversations with clients and perform sexual game audits. Some people use the term sex worker to avoid applying the stigma associated with the word prostitute. Using the term sex worker rather than prostitutes also allows more members of the sex industry to be represented and helps ensure that actual individual prostitutes are not selected and associated with the negative connotations of prostitutes.
In addition, choosing to use the term sex worker rather than prostitutes shows ownership of individual career options. Some argue that those who prefer the term sex worker separate their work from that person. Describing a person as a sex worker acknowledges that the individual may have many different sides and is not always determined by their work.
Different cultural views of prostitution apply when it comes to the rule of law associated with sex work. But the views on prostitution and legal status vary greatly from country to country. The consequences of legal status, moral marginalization and discrimination against sex workers continue to be a global problem with many countries leaving them without protection and support, often leading to compromise or even life-threatening situations.
Vision and Mission of HUSSY Platform.
We have a simple yet clear vision to maintain a free market and self-ownership. We believe in the future, where all women control their own sexuality, including consensual money exchange for sex with the ability to set fair prices, time and circumstances of sexual acts.
We believe that the sex work industry.
We view Blockchain as an ideal tool to eliminate this distinction by allowing all participants to engage in safer and trusted paid sex while respecting their need for privacy without risking their identity exposure.
Four Problems facing sex workers :
- The rules are very bad, full of criminalization, not much problem solving on all sides.
- Sex workers should lie to get a rental place, can not advertise a service, engage in dangerous situations to find clients.
- There are no jobs, benefits and no protection and no medical checks for STDs.
- Sex workers must be registered with the police department, routine medical examinations.
The sex worker industry is broken.
1). A challenging issue = Presence of related issues such as trafficking, violence against women and children or increased transfer of STDs.
2). Malicious Regulation = Regardless of the size of the sex market, we have found an inefficient current regulatory effort for the safe execution of this profession.
3). Lack of innovation = The nature of this industry slows down the entry of venture capital and prevents many digital innovations from happening.
The solution offered by HUSSY in problem solving is being encountered by sex workers using Blockchain Technology because of its nature:
1). Open to third-party platforms.
HUSSY is not just another escort platform, but also a companion infrastructure. We are legally able to operate our own escorting platforms only in certain countries, but anyone can open their own anonymous escort platform in any country and join the distributed HUSSY infrastructure to improve the status quo of the global sex work industry.
2). Impossible to shut down.
The decentralized nature of HUSSY's infrastructure makes it almost impossible to shut down. Our solutions are resistant to regulations like FOSTA / SOSTA and anyone can open a new listing platform using HUSSY infrastructure. Only data owners control the data, no one else can delete or modify even our data, even include platforms and even law enforcement.
3). Flexible fee schedule.
Monetize platform lists based on fair advertising costs updated according to sex service requests in specific times and locations. Each service provider can choose an optional fee for a list, the higher the cost, the more likely it will be offered to potential clients. All fees are paid in the ERC-20 token.
4). No clients are wasting time or rude.
The client is given an incentive to make a security deposit before arranging a meeting. In the case of inappropriate or abusive behavior, clients risk losing their deposit. In addition, the service provider may ask the client to place a deposit order to filter out clients who waste time making reservations but never appear in meetings.
The system of procedures works from the HUSSY program.
The Blockchain Revolution makes it possible to reshape the old order of engaging in sexual activity in exchange for better payouts.
Blockchain and Machine Learning.
Each service provider will be able to advertise for free or for optional fees paid in token compliant ERC-20. Sex providers will compete for new clients according to flexible fee schedule. This approach reflects the current demand for sex services over different time periods and locations.
The fee will be paid by the service provider on a pay-per-use basis by utilizing the unidirectional payments channel on the μRaiden network, enabling us to lower the transaction cost to near zero.
In the next phase of the project, it is possible to use the Machine Learning algorithm to automatically adjust the cost to a value close to optimal in accordance with current demand, the availability and number of clients preferred per day.
HUSSY intends to release the public ICO sale date after the personal sale ends.
Public token sold 50 million HUS.
Personal sale 10 million token HUS.
Treasury reserves 21 million UAH.
a reward of 3 million members of Team HUS and an adviser of 13 million HUS.
Early adaptation of 3 million.
Details of HUS from token.
Ticker = HUS.
Receive = ETH.
Model = 20ERC
Hard Cap = 30 000 000 US dollars.
Soft Cover = 3 000 000 US dollars.
Token Provides = 100,000.
HUS Tokens for sale 60 000 000 HUS.
- Q2 2017, The initial idea was formulated.
- Q4 2017, Research and Analysis.
- Q1 2018, Website Deployed.
- Q1 2018, Whitepaper Published.
- Q2 2018, BitCointalk Announcement.
- Q2 2018, Bounty Program Begins.
- Q2 2018, Personal Token Sale.
- Q3 2018, Product Work Demo (MVP).
- Q4 2018, Public Token Sale.
- Q1 2019, Official Launch in selected Countries.
- Q2 2019, Official Launch in the EU.
- Q3 2019, Official Launch of Asia and South America.
- Q3 2019, Health Certificate.
- Q4 2019, 10,000 Active List.
For information on the development of this HUSSY platform, you can see the link below :
Website :
Whitepaper :
Facebook :
Twitter :
Instagram :
Linkedin :
Telegram :
GitHub :
Reddit :
Bitcointalk :
Author by : 9emb3lelit3
My ETH : 0xc711eD0747EF2408CF9e2316b5A2fb3D71A92ec0
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