Jumat, 14 September 2018

InfraCoins - Real Estate Platform.

Image result for bounty infracoins

Current problem.

Innovative developments have driven disruptions in various divisions lately. Apart from a large number of different companies that have been effectively disappointed lately (retail, social media, transportation), space posting property remains buried in habit and requires similar progress. Long-term lodging and rental booking procedures still result in dissatisfaction and loss of time for clients and customers. There is no innovative intervention that is large enough to introduce other approaches that are better for renting and ordering.


Here at the InfraCoins Project, we hope to change it.
Worldwide practices for hotel bookings and rentals still include posts as promotions that are characterized by basic or locally printed distributions such as ordering.com, Craigslist Airbnb.com, Zillow.

The InfraCoins project offers clients highly operational online orders, and long-term leasing, posting stages. We tend to use Blockchain Technology innovations to ensure the convenience of consistent lodging and rental bookings that will apply to all rental applications, lease contracts, housing reservations, and tend to peak quickly.

It is still conventional practice to achieve many tasks physically. This includes future landowners, paper checks or mazuma, rental installments, store usage, lodging calls to confirm whether installments have been made, bookings confirmed, and so on. Likewise, operators and traders here and there charge critical costs for administration which are burdensome, and landowners force the population to condense a large number of extraordinary dollars in rental shops.

Ecumenical rental holders face problems that match bills for foreign leases because their FICO ratings and loan repayment records are only important in their nationality or in countries where they legally fulfill all conditions for working and living today.

Using InfraCoins, property owners, and seafarers in countries in the world will have the opportunity to appreciate the immediate stage and generally the material for posting their properties for rental or business reasons. Sequentially with INF client token, we will be able to book lodging anywhere on the planet with a low exchange / commission fee.

About the InfraCoins Project.

This is a decentralized property listing ecosystem that will use Blockchain Technology to make the recording process cheaper, more convenient and safe.

InfraCoins serves to help activate these services and lists to reach the platform's goal of using the Blockchain platform in booking transactions and hotel properties. Technology in the InfraCoins Project reduces traditional frustration, fraud, time delays and friction in the process of booking hotels and rentals to benefit customers and customers.

Although accommodation and hotel costs and features vary throughout the world, residents in many countries have the same problems as long-term rentals and hotel accommodations. InfraCoins mission is to provide solutions that are equally efficient for residents across international borders.

Work procedures of the InfraCoins Project.

The decentralized INF ledger is a machine that regulates all transactions and relationships between hotel / real estate providers and customers. In essence, rules and operations are governed by intelligent contracts used in Ethereum virtual machines.

Property List :
  • The user uploaded a property list on the INF Blockchain; free of charge, InfraCoins allows users across platforms to access data freely and also make transactions using INF Token.
Financial Evaluation :
  • InfraCoins will perform KYC digitally in a few minutes, validating documents and identification evidence using AI and NLP. After KYC is approved, users will be given a reliable value, which can help the lender make the right decision to continue the transaction.
Hotel booking :
  • When booking a smart contract, the hotel will be triggered (agreement), which includes details such as prices, hotel details, and cancellation policies. Under the terms of the contract, the smart contract starts payment from the customer. (At checkout the contract triggers payment to the hotel).
Next VIP Sales.

VIP sales with a minimum purchase of USD 1000 will start on July 7, 2018 and end on July 14, 2018. Customers who buy during VIP sales will be able to get 1 INF for USD 0.70 and will also get an additional 5% token.

Token and ICO Information :
  • Token : INF.
  • Bonus : Available.
  • Softcap : 3,000,000 USD.
  • Hardcap : 30,000,000 USD.
  • Platform : Ethereum.
  • Accept : BTC, ETH, XRP, Fiat.
  • KYC : Yes.
To be able to participate, someone must register with us before buying a token. For more details, you can see through the link below :




For more details, you can immediately see the link below :
Author : 9emb3lelit3

My ETH : 0xe621588f99f8067543d7c6Bb44e1E42E580D37F5

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